About Voltaic Solar Solutions

Voltaic Solar Solutions is a company that was founded with the community and environment in mind. With over 15+ years of experience in solar, we specialize in meeting the needs of the homeowner. Our mission is simple: provide homeowners with an alternative to energy production and consumption while educating on the vast ways to become energy efficient.


Why Solar?

It’s an affordable, simple and clean way to produce energy. It’s predictable. We have the best source of power that we could ever get, the sun, so it’s time we take advantage of it. It helps with decreasing the carbon footprint that is destroying our environment. Doing so means you can take the power out of the utility companies hand. Take control of your spending with no more fluctuating payments or annual escalators. Take advantage of the many incentives offered - tax credit, state, county incentives, home equity increase, SREC (solar renewable energy certificates). It’s time for you to take advantage of your power and with no upfront cost.

We’d love to work with you! For a FREE consultation: